Photos out of the Kodak DC260 (1998-2000)!

Nowadays, megapixels are all around you, but in 1998 I bought my first digital camera, a Kodak DC260, with 1.5 megapixels, believe it or not. Here's a bunch of photos I took with it in Croatia and Surinam (South-America).

A building in Commewijne, Surinam.
Hiking trail in Zagreb, Croatia.
Kodak DC260 launched in 1998
Coconut palm in Galibi, Surinam

Click on a photo to see it larger

One of the largest sea turtles in the world near Galibi on the beach of Suriname.
Sunken ship in Suriname.
Traffic signs in Paramaribo, Surinam
Boat on the beach of Galibi in Surinam
"Shadows" in Paramaribo Surinam